Welcome to Gil Bates, Emperor Troll of Microsoff, another desktop theme creation byNekbyter (c) All Rights Reserved 1997. All of Nekbyter's themes are best displayed in true color (24-bit) on a 800x600 screen. Because there has been a problem recently with misappropriation and unauthorized alteration of my themes, please read this legal garbage before you proceed. You are entitled to use this theme provided you do it without altering the major components. You may share this theme with others provided you do not remove this readme.txt file, that you do not remove my name from the wallpaper, that you do not post it on another web page or download site and that you do not receive compensation for the distribution of it. Any violation of the above constitutes copyright violation which is a federal offense. Enough said..... Included with the theme are logo.sys, logow.sys and logos.sys files. If you choose to use these startup and shutdown screens, please backup or rename your originals in the event you wish to reuse or restore them later. The logo.sys file should be placed in the root directory of your primary hard drive. The logow.sys and logos.sys files belong in the Windows directory. Many of the components of this theme are courtesy of others. The "Micro..." logos and emblems are available at www.toptown.com/dorms/caesars. The Microsoff format came from www.jwp.bc.ca/saulm/ii/ms.htm. The sound effects are available at soundamerica.com. Emperor Troll Gil was created by manipulating a photograph taken by Rich Frishman of Newsweek with Kai's Power Goo. It was a blast removing the Emperor's make-up and showing the world what he really looks like. I hope you have as much fun using this theme as I had making it. Comments, suggestions and fan mail are always welcome. :-) Live long and prosper. Nekbyter (a.k.a. Pat Ames) nekbyter@themes-n-schemes.com http://themes-n-schemes.com 7-7-97